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How do you make mud on little alchemy. How to make mud in little alchemy? How to make mud in little alchemy? Let’s recreate it by making one in little alchemy 2!
Combine two air or two earth. 3 fastest way to create. < items list step by step cheats.
Combine the basic elements with secondary. Combine pond + pond to. Combine puddle + puddle to create pond.
How to make mud in little alchemy 2. Howrepublic.com evaluate 3 ⭐ (1796 ratings). Combinations, find out how to make combos, and what elements make.
How to make mud in little alchemy 2? Here we show you the walkthrough, just follow the steps below: For making energy you need to combine air and fire together.
Water + earth water + earth water + soil mud is used in recipes of: 1 fire + water = steam. 2 air + water = rain.