Initially, telekinesis has a range of four meters, but you can level it up to increase it.
How do you do telekinesis. Telekinesis is the supernatural ability to move things with your mind powers! In this video im explaining my experience with learning tk and also sharing some useful tips on how you can practice to develop telekinesis video. Send energy to it from the earth, the sun, and.
Level 5 range is eight meters. In order to prepare the mind for telekinesis, you have to meditate regularly. Please note that this is the method working for me and each person can learn in many different.
You can also experiment with a toothpick or a feather in a bowl. In this video i will be demonstrating my levitation technique. Static electricity will cause the straw to move toward your fingers.
Amazing magic tricks you can perform and make your friends go crazy. It may take some time but trust that it will work. 1) to master telekinesis you need to decide on the object that you want to move.
Examples include moving or distorting. Bring your fingers close to the charged end of the straw. The first thing you need to train your subconscious mind is to concentrate on the object you want to move.
Very simple to learn and has an amazing effect when done correctly. This magic tutorial video will g. Balance the straw on top of the cap.