In Words EndNote ribbon click the Edit Citations button Alternatively right-click and choose Edit Citations There are a number of options for editing citations.
How do i use in text citations. Permanence and Change. Use commas without spaces to separate noninclusive numbers in a multiple citation eg. In-text citation capitalization quotes and italicsunderlining Always capitalize proper nouns including author names and initials.
Always use in-text citations when you paraphrase or summarize to let the reader know that the information comes from another source. Immediately after the punctuation mark that follows the borrowed information mark the citation with a superscript number. If the author citation forms part of your sentence the word and must be used eg.
Put in-text citations into round brackets with each part separated by a comma. Author year - it generally only consists of the authors last name a comma and the year of publication. For items with 3 or more authors include the first authors surname and then et al or and colleagues.
If you would like to cite more than one source within the same in-text citation simply record the in-text citations as normal and separate them with a semi-colon. Anatomy of an In-Text Citation. Every in-text citation must have a corresponding entry in the reference list unless you are told otherwise examples include personal communications and citing an entire website.
See also use the Prefix. Hammersmith et al 3 reported on the survey. Basically a citation is any quote you use from an external source.
Although the format varies by citation style in-text citations commonly include the following information. The number should correspond to the present number of citations used in the text. Typically in-text citations are indicated through the use of footnotes or endnotes.