How to say birthday in Japanese.
How do i say my birthday in japanese. See Also in English. Its my birthday today きょうはわたしのたんじょうびです.
Gozaimasu if you want to add that as well it means many. Btw Happy Birthday can also be written as ハッピーバースデイー the same pronunciation but in Japanese because its a common phrase.
My birthday is August 21st. Just mention the year concerned and then add the kanji 年 nen for year. Well thats what I thought but according to two different Japanese people my imperial birthdate is Showa 55 0722.
1 like 0 disagrees. Tanjobi たんじょうび means birthday. Since May 2019 Japan has entered the 令和 reiwa imperial era.
So if we say 1980 minus 1926 we get 54. Kyou ha watasi no tanjou bi desu.
So we simply say お誕生日おめでとうOtanjoubi Omedetou to say Happy Birthday. So Im Heisei 54 right.