The real gucci belt has to come with an authentic certificate.
Gucci belt fake vs real. This is particularly true if you purchase a. Authentic was then purchased at full price. 2) the seams of the.
Analyze the buckle of your gucci gg supreme belt 2 how can i. Real vs fake gucci supreme belt review guide. 1) the genuine gucci belt stitching is impeccable and flawless.
Textures on real vs fake gucci belt gucci uses heat stamps to imprint those cool and distinctive textures. The stitching should be flawless it’s harder to distinguish poor stitching on belts since there isn’t much. Check the text engraved on the keychain of your gucci gg bag 1.3 step 3:.
The reals have shorter, thicker, even stitches while fakes use longer ones and not have tight stitches. Visit gucci stores and compare the details on the genuine belt. This means that the company that manufactured the belt actually inspected it and found that it was genuine.
This real vs replica gucci comparison aims to educate you on how to spot a fake gucci belt so that you can carry out. Use this video to not get ripped off.fake belt was sold to me as an authentic for $150. Gucci belt real vs fake review.
If the fabrics on the belt are fraying, it would be almost definitely a counterfeit. Clearly, the authentic one is much larger than the fake one. Now, most counterfeiters do have gained access to heat stamps.