Telegram announced that group video calls will be limited to the first 30 people who join a voice chat.
Group video calling feature. When you start a video call in one of your groups in Hangouts a Google Meet URL will be automatically created and pasted into the text field of the chat. However in August last year it added one-on-one video calls that featured end-to-end encryption. With the latest version of Telegram iOS Android and desktop apps users can turn group voice chats into video conference calls.
Inside the group chat tap on the video or the voice call icon on the right hand corner of the screen. Telegram New Features Update. To initiate a group call you first have to start a one-on-one voice or a video call.
Once you are in the call you simply tap the new add participant button in the top right corner and add others to the call. For now the group video call feature has an upper limit of 30 however that restriction will enhance quickly. A free group video calling service should make initiating and joining a video conference easy.
However users who have not yet updated their Hangouts app can still use the group video calling feature. Remote co-workers can work more efficiently and long-distance learning is made possible for. Voice chats in any group on the platform can be turned into video calls by tapping the camera icon to turn on your devices video.
The feature was first spotted by WABeta Info a website that keeps track of new features in WhatsApp. With group screen sharing you can present PowerPoint slides video recordings and more to your entire team. With the newest model of iOS Android and desktop apps Telegram customers shall be in a position to flip group voice chats into video convention calls.
Now it has been revealed that Telegram will soon be adding the Group video calls feature to the application alongside support for web-based video. You can even select the participants. Attached end-to-end encrypted one-on-one video calls in August 2020.