Earlier WhatsApp allowed video calling features up to four participants only but there are chances that it might increase the number of participants in a video call.
Group video call more than 4. WhatsApp is working to allow more people to participate in a group video call. We can easily start a group video call touching the camera icon coming from a group where including us there are a lot of people involved. For example 9 person in smaller boxes in same size.
First call videovoice the person as you do it normally. Make Video Call from Whatsapp Group Launch the Whatsapp Beta Application in your device. WhatsApp the Facebook-owned instant messaging platform allows up to eight people in a group video call on both iOS and Android devices.
With the current pandemic forcing a lot of people to stay at home group video calls and even group audio calls. Easy and simple to use zoom app4 se. Currently the limit is set at four people in a group video call.
Make a group video call from a group chat Open the WhatsApp group chat you want to video call. WhatsApp Will Soon Allow More Than 4 Participants in a Group Video Call Now WhatsApp is all set to utilize this opportunity to portray itself as a cybercafe and secure video calling app. With this app you can do video group call with more then 4 members.
Open a Group Chat Group of more than 4 people and tap on the Call icon present at top right corner. This is the standard way of seeing more than 4 people in a call. You can invite people chat and share files as well.
Limit that Facebook wants to extend. Once your call is answered you will see add a participant option on your screen. There is another way.