There are about 21 direct trains covering 249km (155 miles) from milan to florence every day, the first train leaves from milan central station at 06:00 and the last train leaves at 21:27.
Florence to milan train. A transfer train can take up to 7h. Looking for the best train travel offers? Planning your next travel from florence to milan?
Your travel route could be like that. Is it possible to get assistance getting your luggage on the train? On weekdays, the first train leaving milan is scheduled to depart at around 05:00.
This is the same at the. For train connection from florence to milan you find train timetables and ticket prices via the booking links. How long is the journey by train from milan to florence?
The florence to milan train travel takes about 1 hour and 29 minutes, no matter when you leave. Saver fares and discounts (super economy) are available if you book early in advance. Ad full timetable & easy booking.
The average train time from florence to. Taking a train between the cities is not only a great way to admire the landscapes, but also one of the fastest ways to travel between the towns. Book your train tickets online!
Au plus tard, vous pouvez partir à 21h22 en montant dans le dernier train. Vos voyages en train commencent bien avec trainline Horaires des trains florence à milan