Here is the list of M- names for boys.
Feminine names that start with m. Along with Mia and Madison other popular M names for girls in the US Top 200 include Mila Maya Madelyn Mackenzie Melody Molly and Morgan. Showing 1 to 100 of 376 Christian Girl names. Gender Boy Girl Both.
Italian form of Latin Madelina meaning of Magdala. The more fashionable names for newborns here are Maeve 334 Magnolia 314 Maisie 498 Margot 358 and Mila 14 while Macias TOP 1 and Molina 1 are conventional M- last names. Elf Names Beginning with L.
Top 100 Baby Girl Names That Start With M. Kythaela Female. Today the most popular girls names that start with M include Mia Madison and all varieties of Madeline.
Demon list with demon pictures that are sorted by demon names. M to Mallorie - if you prefer a Christian girl name which starts with M choose a good name from the list of girl names given below. Huge listing of demonic names images and bios for demons including Malaphar Malephar Malpas Malphas Mammon Marbas Marchosias Mastema Melchom Mephistopheles.
English name derived from the German word for girl MADDALENA. M baby names and what they mean with 304 results. Explore Baby Boy Names That Start With M.
With English origins this name means son of Matthew. Latvian name derived from the name of a flowering plant known in English as bedstraw cleavers MÄDCHEN. Show only top names.