All Name Meanings Boy Name Meanings Girl Name Meanings.
Female names meaning warrior of light. From the Old High German Walthere that means ruler of the army Boris. The four Light Warriors Linaly Prettz Rouge and Valkus. Russian form of Greek Thekla meaning glory of God.
The names generated by this tool try to stay in line with a paladins core values. Anut Egyptian - A warrior Goddess defender of the Sun God and protector or the king in battle. The name originates from the words As God and Laug promised.
Feminine form of Russian Fédor meaning gift of God FEKLA Фекла. Russian name meaning light FÉDORA. Adoption of Alan Aland etc.
Diving into the paladin name generator. Agamemnon A mighty warrior and hero who. Hyperion Titan of light.
1 more Alan. Graha Tia Crystal ExarchWarrior of Light 871 Solus zos Galvus Emet-SelchWarrior of Light 729 Haurchefant GreystoneWarrior of Light 595 Aymeric de BorelWarrior of Light 462 Zenos yae GalvusWarrior of Light 319 Warrior of LightThancred Waters 260 Warrior of LightEstinien Wyrmblood 254. List of Warrior Goddesses.
Bringing light into the world by purging the. Zeus as a reflex of Dyeus could be considered god of the day-lit sky. Old Frisian name meaning warrior KALLISTRATOS Καλλίστρατος.