This name is the Celtic version of Alana.
Female names from celtic mythology. She is the Irish goddess of death destiny and. Éibhear - The meaning of the name is unknown. 200 Celtic Girl Names and Meanings 1.
It means little rock fair or harmony. Rinnal - High King of Ireland and the first king to use spearheads. Sorcha - An Irish form of the name Sarah meaning radiant.
1 Pronunciation and spelling can be tricky with Celtic names. Cara - meaning pure and beloved. The best name for your heavenly dog.
A deity or triple goddess that sometimes appeared as a crow. She features in poems by. Cinnie - meaning beauty.
Dierdre - meaning she who chatters. Sorcha is often confused with. Andraste is a Celtic war goddess invoked by Boudica while fighting against the Roman occupation of Britain in AD 61.
Rudraige mac Dela - second High King of Ireland. A Fomorian witch and Celtic goddess of evil magic in ancient Irish and legend. Deva - meaning divine.