Top 10 Ancient Greek Goddesses

Top 10 Ancient Greek Goddesses

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Her name means deep wave and she was the wife an Ethiopian king named Enalos the man of the sea BRIAREUS Briareos The god of violent sea-storms.

Female god names greek. Plutus God of wealth. Along with Iris and Selene other Greek goddess names in the US Top 1000 include Calliope Persephone Athena Maia Daphne Penelope Irene and Phoebe. 103 行 Old Greek - Pure Chaste.

Shes so strong DC named a character after her. Initially genderless later on described as female. Greek goddess of the rainbow and messenger of the gods.

Bia God of violence. A varaition of Agnes. Agrotora Amarynthia Cynthia Kourotrophos Locheia Orthia Phoebe Potnia Theron Goddess of the moon hunting and nursing.

BENTHESICYME Benthesikyme One of the sea nymphs a daughter of the god Poseidon. Aeolus God of air and the winds. Female Greek Cat Names Aphrodite The obvious one we cant forget the Goddess of Love.

Alastor God of family feuds. He was the son of King Priam and Queen Hecuba. Depicted as a void.

Name your dog Calypso and you can call her Callie for short. Feminine form of Greek Adonis thebeautiful youth who was loved by Aph-rodite. Kratos God of strength and power.

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