Cielo Spanish origin a name you will surely like.
Fancy boy names with l. If youre looking for a more light-hearted side there are loads of softer baby boy names that start with L who will tickle your fancy. We hope you have enjoyed this list of the boy names that start with L. It means time keeper.
An attractive Latin name for any sexy man. Lachina Land filled with lakes. Browse boys names beginning with L.
Explore Baby Boy Names That Start With L. A fancy take on the name Hugh it means heart or mind. L is for love but also for Luca Liam and Leo.
The name Quinn is just meant for attractive people. Boy character elf elves faery fairy fantasy girl girls help helpful knight magic name names orc write writing L Names. Syllables Any 1 2 3 4.
Browse the list of top 100 cute names including Lincoln and Lucas. If you are a stickler for time then this name is the one for you. Theres the laid-back Luca and his fellow four-letter friend Levi two fun names with modern appeal.
This elegant name means sky. The masculine name for queen. A spicy Spanish name.