There is a very simple process by which the children can learn about this.
Explanation text ks2 wagoll. To help you out weve created this jam-packed selection of resources all designed by. And you have Sedric. A brand new star wholl make you laugh out loud.
Sedric and the Great Pig Rescue. Children must be able to understand different types of writing such as informational text and its specific approach to language. This model text WAGOLL is an explanation text focusing on how Vikings invaded Anglo-Saxon settlements.
There are sheets to help pupils. An explanation text tells your audience how something works or why something happens. I created a WAGOLL What a good one looks like and a WABOLL What a bad one looks like information texts about toys.
The LAP worksheet was given to my lower ability chn and is a cloze procedure worksheet which links with the WABOLL. Introduction and summary paragraph sequential explanation causal conjunctions fronted. This model text WAGOLL is an explanation text focusing on how Vikings invaded Anglo-Saxon settlements.
A WAGOLL model text example text explaining how rainbows form. I am a year 6 teacher who enjoys creating resources for my class. FREE Literacy fiction texts examples and resources to use in the Primary Classroom.
Other examples could be how a law is made or why we blink when we sneeze. If you are looking for a KS2 WAGOLL then you have found the right page. We have hundreds of model texts WAGOLLS written by qualified writing moderators meaning that our texts meet the expected standard for year 3 year 4 year 5 and year 6.