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Example of off label use of vaccine. Used for a disease or medical condition that it is not approved to treat such as when. However off-label use can entail health risks and differences in legal liability. Unapproved use of an approved drug is often called off-label use.
Treating certain causes of infertility in females. This use may be supported by expert groups but the drug manufacturer. Doctors may have found that the medicine works very well for this illness or condition.
This would require manufacturers to collect and report post-marketing data communicate them to all stakeholders and regulators to extrapolate existing evidence when acceptable to other groups or to other brands of a vaccine. The following labels are examples that may be used to help organize vaccines. Some vaccines are not affected by a short interruption and can still.
May for example be the use for a different indication use of a different dosage dosing frequency or duration of use use of a different method of administration or use by a different patient group eg. We provide an overview of the different responsibilities between regulatory authorities and public health advisory bodies and the rationale for off-label use 2 of vaccines the challenges involved based on the impact of off-label use in real-life. Although these small changes do not affect the safety of the vaccine nor the way in which it works it means the vaccine has to be called off-label.
We propose to reduce off-label use of vaccines by requiring the manufacturer to regularly adapt the label as much as possible to the public health needs as supported by new evidence. It happens commonly with some drugs such. Using a medicine for a different illness to that stated in the licence.
Off-label use means that the medicine is being used in a way that is different to that described in the licence. One is the ability to prescribe a medication off label a common practice in which doctors prescribe approved drugs for unapproved uses. MenB vaccine for infants Off-label vaccines An introductory guide for healthcare professionals Are there any examples of vaccines being used off-label successfully.