Examples of linking verbs that do this are.
Example of linking verb complement. For example in the sentence They are a problem the word are is the linking verb that connects they and problem to show the relationship between the two words. The most common linking verbs are forms of the verb to be. We know that the complements of action verbs can be neither an adjective nor a prepositional phrase but it seems that that situation changes for linking verbs.
Look lie appear taste become grow smell become seem feel is are was am etc. Nouns pronouns and adjectives can be a subject complement whether as a single word or as a phrase. Some are nouns others are adjectives and the last three are noun phrases.
Easy Examples of Complements The word complement most commonly crops up in the terms subject complement and object complement. Linking Verb is a very important topic in English grammar. She appears upset about the announcement.
Here are the examples of linking verbs. Your plans for the wedding sound nice. You a wonderful singer.
He was at the party. In the following examples the subject complement is used as a noun. However in this sentence the verb does not act on.
The most common linking verbs are forms. Linking Verbs have the unique characteristic of taking predicate adjectives. The subject complement is normally either a noun or an adjective that gives us some further information about the subject of the sentence.