The online use of Indias languages is also rapidly expanding as Indian users are projected to represent 35 percent of the next billion mobile connections across the world.
Example of language in social media. The use of acronyms an abbreviation formed from the initial letters of other words and pronounced as a word are now commonplace substitutes to whole sentences. Multilingual social media has never been more relevant. Not only will this help with accountability but you may also find that you have some potential study.
We shortened our words and inserted emoticons now emojis and omitted punctuation. Social media platforms have evolved substantially from the days of Bebo and MySpace through Facebook and Twitter and now Snapchat and Instagram. The obvious ultimate example of this is the tweet which through its 140-character limit imposes a discipline of language on its composer.
_ ツ_ A shrug expression used to convey indifference. Abbreviations are more prevalent. In addition social media has also had an effect on language use.
An article discusses the interesting effect of ommitting periods. The next three social media resources are all fast-paced social meeting places which allow for interaction connection and learning in a target language. Often used in place of whatever doesnt matter who knows or why not.
By 2021 73 percent of Indias Internet users will prefer to use languages other than English. In social media spaces English has become the dominant language serving as an online lingua franca with an increasing number currently approximately 80 of users who do not speak English as their first language Christison and Murray 2014. It is titled Why Using a Period Makes You Sound Angry In place of a period we use lol or haha or we lengthen out the last word like.
Back in the day grammarists would often cite Strunk and Whites Rule 17 from The Elements of Style. However this has allowed for shorter sentences or paragraphs and made way for neglecting correct grammar use. With a common interest such as social justice posting photos of your outfit of the day or finding humour in cat memes and doge.