When the rock falls it possesses kinetic energy.
Example of kinetic potential energy. The height of waterfall is one of the bases for potential energy while movement of water is base for kinetic energy. The following are typical examples of kinetic energy. Windmills form one of the good examples of applications of kinetic energy.
As already discussed elastic potential energy is a form of potential energy which is present in those objects that can be stretched and compressed. Kinetic energy can be determined by speedvelocity or mass of the object in motion. As against this potential energy is non-relative to the environment of the physical body.
Examples of kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of motion observable as the movement of an object particle or set of particles. Property of the body decides as to what kind of energy is.
Elastic and Gravitational Potential Energy converted to Kinetic energy as shown in this classic Roadrunner episode. Until the spring is released its not doing work. Chemical energy occurs when energy is released during a chemical reaction.
Position and chemical make-uppcomposition What is kinetic energy. Some bodies like waterfalls contain both kinetic and potential energy. In a windmill when the wind.
When energy can do work but isnt actively applying force its called potential energy. Any object in motion is using kinetic energy. Which factors affect potential energy.