Page range of article.
Example of journal number. Author last name First name and Author first name last name. The special journals also referred to as accounts are used to record the common day-to-day transactions in your accounting system. Salesincome you record from sales.
Income you record from sales. For a monograph with an issue or whole number include the issue number in parentheses followed by the serial number for example 581 Serial No. Last name YearLast name YearLast name Year Page number Last name year page number Examples.
For example in the reference below the volume number is 49 and the issue number is 4. For example a monthly journal in its 15th year of publication would have Volume 15 No. International Journal of Sport Nutrition and Exercise Metabolism.
The eclipse of listening. A header line may include a journal entry number and entry date. Solid-organ transplantation in HIV-infected patients.
However from your description of how the numbers are presented on the page the numbers may be section numbers. The general form of a journal article reference is. Scruton 1996 Scruton 1996 Scruton 1996 p.
What is a journal entry example. In these cases simply follow the date of the magazine or journal with a period in your works cited list citation omitting the volume number where necessary. All of your special journals are listed in your chart of accounts.