Jobs of nouns 1.
Example of job noun. Here are the top 10 examples of the best job ads ever. A library of books a team of players and a family of four. A person can have a full-time job or a part-time job.
He has two jobs Im a cook but I also work as a newsreader. In addition job cannot be used as a verb. Job of something to do something well badly etc.
Job She got a job as a lab assistant. Synonyms antonyms and examples. Job descriptions clarify what an employee is responsible for and what is expected of them.
The best way to understand this part of speech is to take a look at several noun examples. His brothers just lost his job. 700 job description templates.
Examples of job in a Sentence Noun 1 He took a job as a waiter. 1 A paid position of regular employment. Lets start with the job ad title -.
Rich in the right kind of content they also lead to more qualified applicants. Landing a part-time job on campus as a peer counselor eased her money woes. Why we like it.