The students will participate in each stage of the jigsaw.
Example of jigsaw lesson plan. The focus of the lesson is the jigsaw cooperative learning strategy using visual arts as the cross-curricular connection. Together with other learners they complete comprehension questions based on all three descriptions of the encounter. The students will be able to identify and understand types and the importance of vitamins and minerals.
How will I teach it. For nine students you can have three groups of three. Learn about jigsaw activities and how theyre used in the classroom.
For example Renaissance poetry can easily be organized into a Jigsaw lesson. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Lesson plan for jigsaw activity Sample jigsaw reading activity Lesson plans work grades 3 Lesson plans work grades 3 Centre for teaching and learning jigsaw a coll aborative The battles of the cold war jigsaw cold war in korea fact Jigsaws esl Lesson ideas. Select a grade appropriate text that has the same number of paragraphs as members of each group.
It just takes a little planning but students will learn how to work. Why am I teaching this lesson. Sample Jigsaw Reading Activity This activity can be used at any proficiency level as a cooperative learning activity during reading comprehension instruction.
Discovering plate boundaries One of the best. Create a slide and poster of a time framework and a graphic organizertable. What is the focus of the lesson.
Divide the days lesson into 5-6 segments. Jigsaw Lesson Plan Adapted from a lesson by Dawn Arndt - ED 381-Fall 2001. Divide students into study groups of five to six students making every effort to diversify the make-up of each group by ability gender race and ethnicity.