Sociolinguistics Jargon Etc

Sociolinguistics Jargon Etc

Sociolinguistics Jargon Etc

Sociolinguistics Jargon Etc

Dialects Accents Slang And Jargon Ppt Download

Dialects Accents Slang And Jargon Ppt Download

Slang Versus Jargon

Slang Versus Jargon

Dialect Slang Jargon Dialect A Variety In Language It Is A Regional Or Social Language Pattern That Is Different By Pronunciation Grammar And Vocabulary Ppt Download

Dialect Slang Jargon Dialect A Variety In Language It Is A Regional Or Social Language Pattern That Is Different By Pronunciation Grammar And Vocabulary Ppt Download

Slang Versus Jargon

Slang Versus Jargon

Slang Versus Jargon

Jargon on the other hand is the variety of language that belongs to a specific profession or activity.

Example of jargon in sociolinguistics. Legalese is a term referring to the register of the legal profession. Conversely a lingua franca is used for the opposite effect helping communicators to overcome unintelligibility as are pidgins and creole languages. A business term due diligence refers to the research that should be done before making an important business decision.

For example linguists use special language to describe the way language works - words such as prefix suffix tense - or the words I used just now - verbal repertoires a language variety. As we know that Register is the style of using speech or dialect associated with some factors like profession class etc accordingly there are some special set of words or morphemes that are fixed to a particular Register For example the words like Cytoplasm Cell Nucleus are related to and are. SOCIAL ROLES OF JARGON2.

Although technical jargons primary purpose is to aid technical communication not to exclude outsiders by serving as an argot it can have both effects at once and can provide a technical ingroup with shibboleths. Members of speech communities will often develop slang or specialized jargon to serve the groups special purposes and priorities. Jargon In Linguistics-Jargon is very closely related to Register as it takes birth from the dialect used in Registers.

For example the Chinook Jargon was a pidgin. The term sociolinguistics can be defined as the study of language in relation to society. Registerin linguistics this often refers to levels of language used for specific purposes such as formality or genres.

The medical jargon or the lawlegal jargon. This is evident in the use of lingo within sports teams. Appropriate in the field of law legal language or jargon is characterized by particular register-specific grammatical and semantic features.

Argot is slang or jargon purposely used to obscure meaning to outsiders. Now to me all this may seem normal technical language but to an outsider this may seem jargon. Jargon- specialized terminology that may spread from a narrow group eg professional jargon until used or understood by population at large.

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