Since imperative sentences are given directly it is assumed that the person the imperative sentence is addressed to already has knowledge that he or she is the subject of the given directive.
Example of imperative sentence sentences. 1Shall we not go to the cinema. Books Examples Of Imperative Sentences In English As recognized adventure as without difficulty as experience approximately lesson amusement as competently as treaty can be gotten by just checking out a ebook examples of imperative sentences in english after that it is not directly. Jim close the door before the cat gets out.
But generally we see use of this sentence-in ads. Dont ever touch my phone. Switch off your mobiles.
2Complete these by tomorrow. Could you please bring me my purse. Imperative sentences issue the listener a command.
Examples of imperative sentence on signboards or notice boards. Stop talking and open your book. When the person in front of us makes such sentences we need to answer him as yes or no.
Bring me a glass of water. Even when a proper name is mentioned in an imperative sentence the subject still is you understood. This could be anything from completing a physical task to paying attention and working harder.
In such uses we actually aim to offer the person to do something. We shall take some examples. Often readers wont see you in a sentence and it will be implied instead.