One weak part will render the whole weak.
Example of idiom proverb. No matter how confident the team is it is as strong as its weakest link its defence. The judge was known to make an example of certain criminals by handing out severe sentences. It is no use locking the stable door after the horse has bolted.
It is important to remember that idiomatic expressions are used when speaking informally. It means its raining a lot not there are mammals falling out of the clouds for some reason again. Taking care of yourself leads to success and productivity.
A proverb is a short popular saying that gives advice about how people should behave or that expresses a belief that is generally thought to be true. Miss Johnson made an example of out Timmy when he started talking during the presentation and everybody else was dead silent afterward. Its no use locking the stable door after the horse has bolted.
Coach potato- a lazy person. People use them to express something more vividly and often more briefly. Yep it was almost certainly Its raining cats and dogs This is the classic go-to idiom people use as an example.
If you let the cat out of the bag you reveal a secret. Make an example of Idiom. For example the proverb a picture is worth thousand words is a general truth.
On the other side the literal meaning or word to word meaning of an idiom does not reveal its symbolic meaning. It was a rip off. What you meant is that you are trying to do something that is too hard for you.