Make both ends meet - আযবযয মলন SYNONYM live within means.
Example of idiom make both ends meet. Top 10000 General English Memory Based Exercises MCQ Test Live Quiz Directions. What does make both ends meet expression mean. If you make ends meet you earn just enough to pay for a place to live and your daily expenses.
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Time for a video example. Example sentences with make both ends meet idiom. Farlex Dictionary of Idioms.
Many professional dancers make ends meet or simply share their love of the art by teaching classes in studios that are surprisingly manageable for your average clumsy oaf. To make ends meet Phil picked up a second job delivering pizzas. Definition of make both ends meet by the Dictionary of American Idioms.
Unable to make ends meet Bob lost the two farms and was declared bankrupt. Original use pictured a length of rope. After the large income tax hike many people suddenly found it difficult to make both ends meet.
How they argued could you possibly save. One end might mean assets required The other end might be assets available. How to use make both ends meet idiom.