Hopes for the missing men are fading.
Example of hope as a verb. This time there was hope and expectation and a certain symbolism. So in the following example the mother thought in the past I hope my son will go to university and when we talk about this from the present we use would. All of the sense verbs.
Dont raise your hopes too high or you may be disappointed. Sometimes we use hope for future in the past. I was hoping to have a word with you Professor OMalley.
I sincerely hope that you will be successful. He looked through her belongings in the hope of coming across some information. Detectives are hoping that witnesses will come forward.
I just hope the bus is on time tomorrow. We hope she passes her driving test next week. Hope is defined as the action of wishing or desiring that something will occur.
While or Where there is life there is hope. I just hope we can find the right person. The past continuous of hope is used to make polite statements and especially polite requests.
I had high hopes of making the Olympic team. Hope - English Grammar Today une référence pour lutilisation et la grammaire de langlais écrit et parlé Cambridge Dictionary. Present Perfect Continuous Tense.