Entrance the way in to delight.
Example of homophones and homographs. Homographs mean the words written in the same way ie. Are words that sound alike but have different spellings and different meanings. Its time to spring into action.
Mark Zuckerberg is the founder of Facebook. Here are the common examples of homophones the pair of words be bee eye I write right and son sun. They also have different spellings.
That means that while the fish and wood are also homophones the fish and the voice are only homographs. Some examples of homophones include feat-feet stair-stare here-hear hole-whole groan-grown waist-waste. Bow to.
The first word means the huge body of water we sail across in a ship the second is what you. Gum n short for chewing gum or bubble gum Gum n the soft pink flesh above your teeth. Common Homographs List.
Homographs and Homophones There are actually two types of homonyms. When the words have the same spelling and yet have different meanings we call them homographs. What are Homophones The term homophone is derived from the two Greek words homos meaning same and phone meaning sound.
As you noticed each pair sounds the same but has different meanings. Where homographs look the same and homophones sound the same homonyms are a combination of the two. Identical word with different meaning.