Try to think of a gerund as a noun in verb form.
Example of gerund function as subject. More examples of gerunds as subjects include. The subject in which the names are used in the sentence is used in the case of the object. Gerund is subjectGerund is objectGerund is complement.
In the following examples the gerund phrase is acting as the subject of the sentence. Gerund is subjectGerund is objectGerund is complement. We start with the subject which has the form of a gerund followed by a verb.
Dancing is great fun. Smoking costs a lot of money. In the third example Jons favorite hobby is painting stones painting is the gerund.
Each one starts with a gerund and. Like a gerund a gerund phrase functions as a noun. Examples of gerunds or gerund phrases used as direct objects.
Like nouns gerunds can be the subject object or complement of a sentence. Thus it is grammatically correct to use. Apologizing isnt enough this time.
Gerunds can appear by themselves or they can be part of a larger gerund phrase. However like in the example although a gerund is basically a verb it acts as a noun. Sleeping through the night is difficult for me.