If that doesnt ring the bell lets take an example of a 1-way road which allows vehicles to travel in only one direction so if you start from a location say A and travel to B you could not go back to A through the same way you traversed to B.
Example of directed graph. A directed graph is sometimes called a digraph or a directed network. The interior nodes of the graph are labelled with an operator symbol. One example is rivers merging and splitting over a landscape.
A Directed Acyclic Graph for Basic Block is a directed acyclic graph with the following labels on nodes. As it is a directed graph each edge bears an arrow mark that shows its direction. An undirected graph example is a graph of academic collaborations on papers.
For example an arc x y is considered to be directed from x to y and the arc y x is the inverted link. In contrast a graph where the edges are bidirectional is called an undirected graph. The transition matrixAassociated to a directed graph is defined as follows.
Given below is an example of a directed graph. The graph in Figure 62 does not have a Hamiltonian cycle. A graph in which the edges have directions associated with them is called a Directed graph.
2 In degree is equal to the out degree for every vertex. For example a b d cis the only Hamiltonian path for the graph in Figure 62. You could see it for yourself in the above image.
A simple graph with directed and undirected edges. We say that a directed edge points from the first vertex in the pair and points to the second vertex in the pair. They arent going to flow backwards.