This batch of mushroom stew is savory and delicious.
Example of coordinating conjunction or. Robbers not only looted the village but also set homes on fire. One type of conjunction is the coordinating conjunction which gives equal importance to the words or sentences that it connects. COORDINATING CONJUNCTIONS and but or Coordinating conjunctions connect two sentences.
You are both clever and beautiful. When a coordinating conjunction is used to join two wordsphrases We do not use a comma. I love to eat Italian and Chinese.
You can add the coordinating conjunction but in between these causes so the sentence reads. When a coordinating conjunction is used to show that something has two characteristics that seem opposite a comma is often used as well. A coordinating conjunction connects grammatical words or phrases of equal rank.
When a coordinating conjunction joins independent clauses it is always. It is used to join or add words or clauses. It is used to state reason.
Manasi teaches English German and Science in school. It is used to join two negative clauses. Mostly this is because they are attempting to help prevent you from writing fragments rather than complete sentences.
The fact is you can begin sentences with coordinating conjunctions. Examples of coordinating conjunctions and but or nor for yet so I like and. What Are Coordinating Conjunctions.