Thanks for your compliment Dewi.
Example of congratulation dialog. Apakah kamu akan membelikan aku sesuatu. See how to use in dialog in a sentence. I made it by myself.
Congratulations Compliment and Gratitude Tina. You never fail to amaze us with your extraordinary success and achievement. Congratulation for your graduation.
I know you are very smart Tomi. You are one of the most excellent examples of success. Berikut ini adalah contoh ungkapan dan dialog tentang expressing congratulation.
Selamat atas kelulusannya Congratulation to you. Selamat menempati rumah baru dan semoga bahagia. Expression of congratulating of someone success and the respond.
I would be the first to congratulate you on yourformal. By the way what the kind of gift that you want. You are so kind.
Im glad you like it. Congratulation for your graduation Dina. You have done a fantastic job man.