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Example of blending in word formation. The resulting words are called blends. Biographical picture biopic. Below are examples of blending words.
Blending Blending is the word formation process in which parts of two or more words combine to create a new word whose meaning is often a combination of the original words. Blending Similar to compounds but in blending only parts of the words are combined. Example Of Blending Words In Word Formation The examples might be no sense than an example of blended around a society journal of totally n.
Word blends can also be formed by overlapping or combining phonemes which are parts of two words that sound alike. A blending is a combination of two or more words to create a new one usually by taking the beginning of the other word and the end of the other one. For example we form derivationout of the sequence of morphemes.
It refers to joining the beginning of one word and the end of another to make a new word with a new meaning. An ideal shredding and melting cheese its dreamy over burritos though equally scrumptious cubed and plated for an afternoon snack. Cybernetic organism cyborg.
One example of an overlapping word blend is Spanglish which is an informal mix of spoken English and Spanish. So new words like spork sp oon f ork fanzine fan maga zine bromance bro ther ro mance or Spanglish Spa nish E nglish are created. Below are examples of blending words.
In the classroom Discussion of blends can help learners understand how words are formed in English eg. 72 fat 0 carbs 28 protein. Biographical picture biopic.