As the manager of an electric company and owner of a ranch and mines Jim expressed.
Example of biography of your classmate. You may find yourself in a situation which requires you to write a biography. However some biographies can be written about people who lived incredible lives but were not necessarily well-known. Depending on your audience you can end with a bit of humor but keep it short.
Students will use a. A biography can be short in the case of few sentences biography and it can also be long enough to fill an entire book. Every week he has class Tuesday to Friday and then he does all of his homework the day it is assigned.
Groups of students develop interview questions. Biography of my classmate. Example of an Inspirational Bio The last four years have shaped me into an optimist armed with empathy.
He works weekends at the Evendale Resort and somehow still finds time for himself and his friends. One of your class-mates has become a famous sport star. Example of Autobiography of a Student.
Have your students write a biography about a classmate. Yoshie Suzuki was born in Aichi on 11th of August in 1987. After pairs of students conduct interviews they then write their partners biography in one.
Nitin Ghosh was born in poverty. Jim Hughes was a cold difficult man who was driven by ambition to make money and achieve respect. The typical length for a professional biography is five to ten sentences.