Alternate-form reliability is the consistency of test results between two different but equivalent forms of a test.
Example of alternate forms reliability. The scores are then compared to see if it is a reliable form of testing. For example if the professor gives out test A to all students at the beginning of the semester and then gives out the same test A at the end of the semester the students may simply memorize the questions and answers from the first test. Alternate or Parallel Forms Method.
Alternate forms reliability means that two different versions of the same formtest should produce similar responses from the individuals being tested. Bryan and colleagues 48 found a moderate alternate form reliability coefficient r 72 for the ILF test. A set of questions is formulated to measure financial risk aversion in a group of respondents.
These analyses were completed in part as a requisite step to the generalizability theory G-Theory analyses. Standard Error of Measurement. The results of the two tests are compared and the results are almost identical indicating high parallel forms reliability.
We used bivariate correlations to calculate the test-retest and alternate form reliability of the measures included in this study. Alternate form reliability occurs when an individual participating in a research or testing scenario is given two different versions of the same test at different times. Process a given function is tested more than once over time and it is important to have more than one version of a given instrument and to show that these different versions are reasonably equivalent.
Alternate Form Reliability The degree to which two or more versions of the same test correlate with one another. For example the alternate-form reliability if the researcher gave his or her participants a test that will describe their characteristics and then gave the participants the same test but the wording is different the results should be the same. The questions are randomly divided into two sets and the respondents are randomly divided into two groups.
Alternate form reliability definition alleydog alternate. This is an example of parallel forms reliability because two different forms of the same assessment are being evaluated. Alternate Forms Test-Retest Reliability and Test Score.