Keep in mind that Australian greetings often use ya instead of you.
Example of a unique way of greeting your pupils. Hi Probably the most commonly used greeting in English 8. Your boss of 10 years probably wont find this funny. So how are ya is the same as how are you and how are ya going is basically the same as hows it.
For example randomly select pupils there are many apps to help with this so the same pupils arent always answering questions. These greetings are abbreviations of whats up which are common among teenagers. Other nonverbal signs that greeters perform are part of the greeting ritual.
Teachers prepared a structured learning activity that was ready for students as they transitioned into the classroom Targeted positive praise. All the way through I am making sure I maintain eye contact and that I donât shut him off when he is speaking as this could cause a negative emotion and he could then lose interest. Its also a way to soften whatever your request is.
When pupils are seated the teacher will greet the class with a cheery and smiling Good Morning By gestures pointing to. For example men commonly shake hands with each other or give each other a pat on the back. For the first week Im the star and my collage allows my students to get to know me Use this example from Amanda Hager on Pinterest for inspiration.
Women may give each other a hug and a kiss on the cheek. You dont have to burn your brain cells trying to say something unique every time you meet someone. Describe with examples how to behave appropriately for a childâs stage of development.
How are things with you 10. Teachers strategically provide behaviour-specific praise statements to reinforce desired behaviour and capitalise on social learning. Begin your introduction by saying your first and last names in a clear voice.