Making a line graph is not too hard.
Example of a caption for a graph. Typically boldface or underscore the word Figure or Table and the associated number in the caption then present the caption in plain text with only the initial letter of the caption and any proper names in the caption capitalized see example below. Sample illustration of experimental stimuli. In this example a suitable title would be Graph 1.
The height of figures should not exceed the top and bottom margins. For example a reference such as The following graph shows that visitors were lost in the first quarter but the numbers recovered in the second quarter helps to point out the relevant information that the image is intended to present. Draw the x- and y-axes on the page.
A graph of your own data include a brief description. Examples of Stimuli Used in Experiment 1. Give the graph a number and a title that is descriptive of the subject matter being graphed.
P theme plotcaption element_text hjust 0. Some example captions are. If you have created a graph using published data include the details of the data source in your caption.
Graph To Write A Caption For A How Figure. Some example captions are. Sep 16 2015 Initially these.
D3 is the top product with D2 sales Add Captions to an Excel Graph. Photo Image Graph or Chart - Inserted into Assignment Figure An inserted photo image graph or chart is called a figure. Stimuli were computer-generated cartoon bees that varied on four binary dimensions for a total of 16 unique stimuli.