Eloise as a girls name is pronounced el-o-WEE.
Eloise origin of the name. We searched the entire web for you to find the meaning of the name Eloise not only the meaning but also other characteristics such as gender origin pronunciation and much more. Number of letters of Eloise. Etymology Historical Origin of the Baby Name Eloise Eloise is a more modern form of an Old French feminine name Héloïse from the Germanic Helewidis.
Heloise was the name of the wife of Pierre Abélard and the 11th century French couple are known for their love letters. The origin of Eloise is Teutonic. The origin of the name lies in French.
Users of this name High ability of Persuasion Rich and Humble Gentle Stubborn Patriotic. It is of Old German origin and the meaning of Eloise is famous warrior. The name Eloise is primarily a female name of French origin that means Famous Warrior.
French form of the name Louise. The name is of obscure origin. Derived from the Old German name Helewidis meaning hale and wide.
Heloise is believed to come from Germanic roots but a connection to Louise is also a possibility. Helewidis is believed to be comprised of the roots heil meaning robust health and wid meaning wide. Origin of Eloise Name.
Eloise is largely used in English French and Spanish. Specific analysis for each letter. The name Eloise is a girls name of French English origin meaning healthy.