Ella is a short version of names beginning with El- or ending with -ella eg.
Ella the name. Ella as a girls name is pronounced EL-ah. A short form of Eleanor and Ellen meaning light It can also mean beautiful fairy woman in English and all or other in German. The origin of the name Ella is Hebrew.
Here is the list of first names which are an anagram of Ăˆlla. Indian names girls Ella. Icelandic names girls Ella.
Your name in reverse order is Alle A random rearrangement of the letters in your name anagram will give Elal. Ella is a name in itself but can also be the short form of Eleanor. The name Ella is of German origin.
Ella has parallel derivations first as the Norman variation of the Germanic Aliaitself a nickname for names containing the element ali. Elizabeth Eleanor Ellen Gabriella. Originally a short form of names containing ali compare Eleanor.
The first name Ella has been assigned to. Its a name commonly given to girls. The first name Ella is listed in our categories.
The name Ella is a girls name of German English origin meaning all completely. An anagram is a word that contains the same letters of another word. The name Ella is primarily a female name of Spanish origin that means Young Girl.