Silence encourages the tormentor.
Elie wiesel quote about silence. Silence encourages the tormentor never the tormented Elie Wiesel Elie Wiesel quotes on silence Sometimes we must interfere. I swore never to be silent whenever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. When human lives are endangered when human dignity is in jeopardy national borders and sensitivities become irrelevant.
Neutrality helps the oppressor never the victim. Neutrality helps the oppressor never the victim. Elie Wiesel Quotes Quotable Quote.
Below are some of his most memorable words of wisdom. Yesterday Elie Wiesel Nobel laureate and witness to the horrors of the Holocaust died at the age of 87. Whoever listens to a witness becomes a witness he said at the Legacy of Holocaust Survivors conference at.
I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. Silence encourages the tormentor never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere.
Neutrality helps the oppressor never the victim. Words can sometimes in moments of grace attain the quality of deeds. The opposite of faith is not heresy its indifference.
In Night by Elie Wiesel silence is a reoccurring theme that represents many aspects of Wiesels struggle during the most coldblooded massacre in the history of the world. To remain silent and indifferent is the greatest sin of all. He believes it is silence that allows the Nazis to takeover and begin the.