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Ebay report fake item. These items may infringe on someone’s copyright or trademark. No need to have it certified as fake if you open an ebay case for not as described. You can notify us online via the ebay resolution centre or our customer service representatives who are.
When requesting the return be sure to use not as described as the reason for return and. We're available 7 days a week. Restitution for fake ebay goods.
You can report each listing through the report link in the listing. If you spot something suspicious, let us know. Then reach out to the seller by opening.
Here is a list of the brand which have the most fake replica counterfeit products being sold on ebay: Examples of counterfeit products include: To submit the noci you need to have the following information:
Similar to the above scam, a fraudulent seller can place a fake ebay customer service number on their profile or product page. Its only paypal that require proof. You can report an item to us by selecting the button below, or directly from the listing using these steps:
Craft the perfect ebay listing. A replica handbag, watch or. They make sellers file police reports to recover funds from a scam.