Coming to the word Easter in Gods Authorized Bible they seize upon it imagining that they have found proof that the Bible is not perfect.
Easter bible kjv. Lets see what that verse says according to the translators of the KJV. The Bibles answer The celebration of Easter is not based on the Bible. If you look into its history though you will see the true meaning of Easterit is a tradition based on ancient fertility rites.
Intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people. When the King James Bible says EASTER in Acts 124 it is correct. Related Bible Terms Easter.
Easter and Passover are NOT the same. A festival of the christian church observed in commemoration of our Saviors resurrection. Fortunately for lovers of the word of God they are wrong.
Whatever the reason the KJV translators chose Easter the Bible Sense Lexicon is implying that it really isnt one of the genuine senses of the word in the New Testament. Easter as we know it comes from the ancient pagan festival of Astarte. KJV Vest Pocket New Testament Psalms Leathersoft Black Red Letter Version.
Easter and the KJV. One of the most startling translation differences between the KJV and modern English translations is found in Acts 124 where the KJV uniquely makes mention of Easter. Bible Verses about Easter.
For the word Easter appears once in the King James Bible. Holy Bible King James Version. When the other versions say PASSOVER in Acts 124 they are incorrect.