Dawn A name that means first light of day for the light of your life.
Earthy names that start with c. Coral named after the beautiful corals of the sea reef formations alternatives could be Cora Cori. Black Trumpet Craterellus cornucopioides C. Found in winter on sticks and branches and looks a lot like a pack of burnt paper matches.
I feel like you could either go soft with the first name to offset the strong last name or embrace it and choose a clean crisp first name for either boy or girl. All the earthy metaphors are appropriate here. Whether its a tree or animal name.
Sterling English name for pure silver. Arun Indian name meaning dawn or reddish sky 2. Clay is a rich smooth soil that symbolizes flexibility and strength.
I picked this name because it reminds me of cocoa plants and chocolate but the name could mean coconut and has English Spanish and French origins. Spruce describes the evergreen tree. It is pronounced as KAH-hal or CASH-ill.
In case you need help coming up with Earthy names then take a look at our selection of Earth baby names to find the ideal baby name for your baby. For some when they hear earthy they immediately think of nature names. The Earth element is associated to the signs Taurus Virgo and Capricorn.
Salt of the Earth feet firmly planted on the ground and so forth. The nickname Doll and Dolly are cute. River is my absolute favorite for a boy.