Mirror + mirror = pure legendary +.
Dragoncity breeding. At first you will have to build earth, fire and water habitats—three basic habitats to hatch three basic. Check out our carnival maze guide! The breeding sanctuary is a floating island that can be unlocked at level 25 with gems.
Dragon breeding can begin only when you have three elemental dragons. You can mix the similar ones as well. Breeding pure dragons these can be breed using any of the 4 legendary dragons.
00:20:00 show basic dragons show all dragons get a nature dragon quickest by combining: Hiii im trying to sell my dc acc for 20 usd. Only breedable dragons are shown now.
13 how to breed overview require : Posted on february 20, 2020. When you are breeding two dragons together, the possible results will be listed into 3 different type of slots each with a limit of 11.
(our dragon info update is currently not working, so new dragons will not show up properly on the. Dragons with breeding times listed as longer than 24:00:00 will be displayed differently in the game. In addition, i have 8 islands, lvl 5 hatching, and all 3 breeding stations.
The breeding time (time for the breeding to complete) is usually a good clue as to what the resulting dragon will be. • battle online with thousands of players and their dragon teams! Nature + terra = tropical or cactus nature + flame = firebird or spicy nature + sea = nenufar or coral or seahorse (level 10).