Walking into your advising session is the worst part of the year,.
Dont know what to do after college. Millions of college graduates before you have felt the same way. Take a public service position. The next step is to take reality check a.
Move to a new place. Therefore, you need to have as many life experiences as possible through traveling, volunteering, other work. It doesn't have to be fancy, you don't have to be a chef, but at least spend some time learning how to make some.
The thought of talking about life after college one more time does nothing less than make you want to scream. If you’re still worried that having no idea what to do after uni will negatively impact your career, then read our blog post on how to deal with those fears. Chances are you will have all the time in the world, so it’s your duty to use that wisely.
Psychology if you’re interested in the human mind and human. If you are still in your school, an alumni network or the career centre might be a. And as the report shows, that is fine and very common.
It is not uncommon to graduate college and not know what to do after. It can save you from going down the wrong path, and help you find jobs that are interesting. Don't know what to do after college?
Pwc’s findings suggest that, perhaps, millennials just don’t know. Returning home after university is a great way to compose your thoughts, look for jobs and consider your options while in a comfortable, cost. In the process of (over)thinking, there’s a paralysis.