I had read years ago that in such situations the best way to avert an overly-interested shark is to punch or bump its snout.
Does punching a shark in the nose. THE FACTS -- Forget for a moment that the odds of being attacked by a shark at the beach are minuscule. Follow these tips to make beach trips safer. Despite the old saying that aiming for the snout is the best strategy a sharks most sensitive areas are really its eyes and its gills.
Punching him in the face going for his eyes try to keep your hands out of his mouth. If a shark bites you what we recommend is you should hit the shark in the eye in the nose or stick your hand in the gills says Chris Lowe of the California State University Long Beach Shark Lab in an instructional video. When a shark attacks you should do anything you can like punching it in the nose to fight if off.
If the shark bites into you and begins to drag you underwater dont play dead or give up. If you are swimming and completely unarmed punch the sharks supersensitive nose or stab at its eyes or gills. Punched a 3m Bull Shark in the nose underwater.
In the extremely rare instance of a prolonged negative encounter the stereotypical advice is to punch the shark on the nose. Numerous people have reported punching a shark on the nose in the middle of an attack and many of them have survived. Experts say hitting a shark on the tip of the nose in the eye or in the gills will stop it from biting you at least temporarily.
It was really more of a polite shove to get the shark to pass to one side. Have you ever tried punching underwater. It is also the worst place to attack the shark.
One is that its super hard to punch anything underwater making a good thump on the nose pretty unrealistic. This makes sense as on a large shark which is intent on thrashing you around it is the largest and easiest target to hit. This has given rise to the belief that a sharp punch in the nose will repel almost any shark attack.