Im not sure but a word to the wise to only allow a licensed dentist or qualified licensed physician to administer nitrous oxide.
Does laughing gas make you say things. It can cause hallucinations. Can laughing gas make you say things you dont want to say like secrets. Nitrous Oxide NO2-commonly referred to as laughing gas was used for years in the practice of dentistry.
It helps to relieve anxiety before. You may feel light-headed tingly or even heaviness in your arms or legs. Nitrous oxide in the correct dosage is meant to render you unconscious for a medical dental procedure.
Nitrous oxide commonly known as laughing gas or happy gas is a colorless non-flammable gas. And if a deep level of sedation is reached patients can enter a hallucinatory dream state. In rare cases patients can feel slight nausea or dizziness from the gas mixture.
The most common side effect is nausea but if you start to feel nauseous during the dental procedure make sure to tell one of the dentists at Welch Dental Group and they will gladly turn down the laughing gas increasing the oxygen intake. Contrary to its name laughing gas does not necessarily make you laugh. He argues that laughing gas is actually exceptionally safe considering the numbers who use it.
This gas is used in medical and dental procedures as a sedative. Thereby quickly alleviating your sick feeling and making sure that you are feeling as comfortable as possible. Nitrous oxide is a colorless and odorless substance thats also known as laughing gas When inhaled the gas slows down the bodys reaction time.
Does make you wonder about people who intentionally take such drugs recreationall. Please talk with your kids or younger cousins for instance about the dangers of huffing any type of fumes or chemical vapors. But nitrous oxide is not a truth serum.