Your Car Insurance Will Typically Pay For Accidents Caused By DUI.
Does auto insurance cover dui accidents. Car insurance might cover DUI accidents but theyll probably fight it if you caused an accident when driving while intoxicated. Your car insurance will usually cover a DUI accident but this isnt always the case. Our Price Index Shows Car Insurance Premiums Fell 105 - Did yours.
A liability car insurance policy typically provides coverage for any accident in which the policyholder or someone else covered under the policy drives in a negligent manner -- and perhaps even in a grossly negligent or reckless manner depending on what the policy says -- and causes a car accident. In some cases the company may deny coverage for personal injury or property damage made against you due to your DUI. If Nothing Changes Neither Will Your Price.
A DUI can raise your auto insurance rates by up to 127. Ad Come Direct To Direct Line For A Car Insurance Quote You Cant Get Anywhere Else. Ad Compare Car Insurance at MoneySuperMarket.
Your claim may be denied if your provider can show that you drove while intoxicated intentionally. Recommended by 938 Of Users. But no car insurance policy covers car accidents caused by.
Ad Car Insurance You Can Rely On with Valuable Extras Included as Standard. In this instance you may welcome higher rates over being canceled. A typical liability auto insurance policy covers car accidents caused by negligent or reckless conduct but intentional conduct is almost always excluded from car insurance coverage.
For example your auto insurance carrier may decide to drop your policy after it ends. Get A Free Quote In Minutes. Smart Cover offer comprehensive Car Breakdown insurance.