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designWell studios

Palo Santo Vs. Sage Sista Naturall

Palo Santo Vs. Sage Sista Naturall



Taong Bahay Palo Santo is Spanish for Holy Wood. This...

Taong Bahay Palo Santo is Spanish for Holy Wood. This...

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Your New Age Wellness Guide

Your New Age Wellness Guide

Burn the palo santo in an area where there is good ventilation.

Do you have to open windows when burning palo santo. Burn palo santo sticks in a ventilated room. Do you have to open windows when burning palo santo? Burn palo santo sticks in a ventilated room.

Palo santo wood is easy to light. Do you have to open windows when burning palo santo? Once you have your intention in mind, light the sage or palo santo and hold at a 45 degree angle pointing the tip down towards the flame.

Let us show you how. Burn palo santo sticks in a ventilated room. To prevent this, choose a room with strong air ventilation.

To avoid the palo santo scent from becoming too strong, leave a few. Let it burn for about 30 seconds. Allow it to burn for 30 seconds and then blow it out.

Do you have to open windows when burning palo santo? Do you have to open windows when burning palo santo? Here is how to keep palo santo burning.

You can even move around your house with the stick to. Simply ignite a palo santo stick. Before you burn palo santo, make sure to keep a window or door open to guide the smoke (and negative energy) towards these openings, and out of your space.

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How to Smudge Wild Willows

You can use a variety of plants and woods to perform smudging and smoke

You can use a variety of plants and woods to perform smudging and smoke

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