Be 18 years and over.
Do painters need a license in california. Painters that deal with lead paint require a license from the kansas department of health & environment. These licenses are issued by the contractors state license board. No, you cannot legally perform the work of a painting contractor without a license.
The california contractor state licensing board issues licenses to contractors such as painters and decorators. If you are going to hire a painter in dc make sure they have a home improvement contractor license. Posted on feb 20, 2012.
In california, the painting licensing process is a bit more rigorous than in other states. Do painters need a contractors license in california? Have a valid social security.
Prove that you have four years of experience in the last ten. California painters who work on projects of $500 or more must get a general contractor license. All applicants must submit to cslb a contractor.
Any contractor, including a painting and decorating contractor, who works on a project that costs $500 or more. In california, it is illegal for an unlicensed person to perform. The list of classifications and scope of work for each is available on the board’s website at
How to get a painters license in california. Cost to paint a room;. To get a california contractor license, you must meet the general contractor license requirements.