EIKO meaning child of splendor 栄子 - Japanese girl name.
Cute shy anime boy names. We add to these at regular intervals so dont forget to add yours. Here is a bunch of anime I can think of that have shy male characters as either the lead or as a major character. Manga Boy Anime Boys Cute Anime Boy Manga Anime Mamura Daiki Daytime Shooting Star Shooting Stars Image Couple Hirunaka No Ryuusei.
The love of lotus. Here are name ideas for popular Japanese boy names. Clear skies and springs.
A traditional Japanese name for baby boy which means large. DAIKI meaning great glory great nobility 大輝 大貴 - Japanese boy name. He can make two people.
Cute Japanese Boy Names To Consider With Meanings Aito. Worlds Greatest First Love OVA. And due to that George is cursed with a terrifyingly embarrassing super-natural ability.
Gin ジン The meaning of th name Gin is Silver. Worlds Greatest First Love 2. Most loved Most hated Name Most comments Date added.
The peony flower which is a symbol of honour and wealth. This name is also given to boys to honour the majestic mountain. He is a demigod the Son of the God of Love Eros.